
How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather – Top Guide

Here is the Step-by-Step guide on how to clean Birkenstocks leather, which includes instructions, methods, tips and many more!

If you wear your Birkenstocks for a long time, the leather will become dirty and smelly, and how to clean them is essential. Some people purchase new Birkenstocks because their original leather has become dirty. Although, if you pay attention to cleaning, it is not difficult to maintain cleanliness. Several ways can be used to remove dirt and prevent it from returning.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather

Birkenstock sandals are known for their comfort, durability, and high quality. They are known for their perfect fit and ability to mould to your feet over time. Nonetheless, they are also known to be quite expensive and are not exactly cheap.
Because of this, many consumers are hesitant to purchase them. If you are one of the many people who fear the price of a pair of Birkenstock sandals, then you will want to read this article on how to clean Birkenstock leather.

Total Time: 15 minutes

Step 1

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather

A leather cleaner is the best way to clean Birkenstocks. An excellent leather cleaner can be found at your local shoe repair shop or online. Cleaning your Birkenstocks with leather cleaners is safe and effective without damaging the shoes. You can have them restore the leather to its original colour and remove any stains you may have.


The other way to clean Birkenstocks leather is by wiping them down with a damp cloth. You can use a mild soap and a little water to spot and clean the area for any tough stains. Once the dirt and grime have been removed from your shoes, you need to dry them off with a soft towel. If you want to keep the leather looking its best, use a leather conditioner to protect it.

Estimated Cost: 25 USD


  • Leather Cleaner
  • Damp cloth
  • Mild soap
  • soft towel

The Benefits Of Cleaning Birkenstocks Leather

Due to the nature of their materials, Birkenstocks are challenging to clean. Birkenstocks are made from leather. Leather is a material that requires a great deal of care and maintenance. It is not as easy to clean and maintain as other materials. As well as cleaning it properly, it is essential to maintain its good condition.

The main benefit of cleaning leather Birkenstocks is that they’ll last longer. Though Birkenstocks are known for being comfortable and durable, they can quickly become dirty and worn out if they are not properly maintained. An excellent example of this is the cork footbeds in Birkenstock sandals. If the footbeds are not cleaned, they can become worn out and cracked, resulting in discomfort when wearing the sandals. It is relatively easy to clean the cork footbeds of Birkenstock sandals.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather Uppers?

If you have one, the following tips will help you clean your Birkenstock Leather upper. Birkenstock leather uppers are made of a unique material called Birko-Flor, which is very durable. The material is a mixture of PVC and polyester. This is a synthetic material, but it looks and feels like genuine leather. Birkenstock leather shoes are famous for their comfort, and it isn’t easy to find footwear as comfortable as Birkenstocks. 

You can keep them looking good and extend their life by using the right cleaning products. The upper should be cleaned with a damp cloth dipped in lukewarm water and mild soap. Most people prefer to clean their saddles with saddle soap, but this soap is highly alkaline and can cause damage to the glue holding the upper layers together. If you use regular soap, make sure it’s mild and that you rinse everything off with water. Do not forget to let everything dry. A soft toothbrush may also clean the crevices between the straps and around the rivets.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather Outsoles?

As a Birkenstock wearer, I should have been suspicious when I heard I should clean the bottom of my sandals to prevent germs from building up. Based on my research, I found that the one thing you should never use to clean Birkenstock sandals is, you guessed it, water.

It would help if you cleaned the bottom of your sandals with a damp cloth. This will prevent the leather from cracking or deteriorating. In addition, you should use baking soda and water to eliminate unpleasant odours. Baking soda is neutral and will not discolour your sandals. As a result of the water, the baking soda will be evenly distributed around the bottom of the sandals. The sandals should then be allowed to dry.

How To Repair Birkenstocks Leather?

Birkenstocks are considered one of the most comfortable shoes, which is why people love to purchase them. In addition, they are very inexpensive, so you can easily find them on the street. The most common problem with this brand is the leather. The leather is quite delicate and may become damaged over time.

Typically, the first sign of damage is when the leather becomes uneven, the colour fades, and the leather may crack. You can purchase a shoe cream at any shoe store to solve the first two problems. As they are available in many colour schemes, you can always pair them with your favourite sandal. You should also visit a shoe store if you have cracked leather because this is not a common problem and may require special treatment.

Another common problem with Birkenstocks is the buckle, which may bend and become loose. The problem is not that it cannot be tightened, but you will need special tools to do so. If you have problems with your favourite sandals, bring them to the store, and they will be fixed immediately.

Instructions On How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather

Cleaning Birkenstock leather can be a challenging task. Clean away any dirt and oils that may be trapped in the leather while preserving its natural characteristics. It is important to remember that the messier the leather becomes, the more difficult it will be to clean.

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The first step is to remove the sand from the leather. For this purpose, a special brush can brush away the dirt and remove the sand. After this, use a toothbrush or a shoe-cleaning brush to remove any dirt. If there is any oil on the leather, you may wish to use a leather cleaner. If not, you may use saddle soap.

What To Do If Your Birkenstocks Leather Is Dry?

Birkenstock is a brand of comfortable, durable and attractive sandals and shoes. The shoes are made of quality materials and are guaranteed to provide comfort for the wearer’s feet. Most likely, your Birkenstocks are dry because you have not worn them recently. If you have not worn your shoes for over six months, they will not feel as new unless you apply leather conditioner. Listed below are some recommendations for drying leather Birkenstocks.

It would help if you began by cleaning the leather with a damp cloth. Then you can apply leather cream to the shoe using a cotton ball or fingers. Please ensure that the cream is absorbed into the leather and not applied to the stitching or the rubber soles.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather With Baking Soda?

If the leather of your Birkenstock sandals has become dull, you can rub some baking soda into it. Rub the baking soda into the sandals with a clean, soft cloth or brush, ensuring you cover the entire surface. Allow the baking soda to work for about half an hour, and then use a clean cloth or brush to remove the baking soda. The leather will once again appear glossy.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather With Vinegar?

It is easy to clean Birkenstocks leather with vinegar. Use vinegar mixed with warm water to remove dirt and grime from Birkenstock leather. The most effective method of cleaning the shoe’s inner lining is to use this method. If possible, use a toothbrush to reach the tight areas of the shoe. Next, wipe the shoe with a clean, damp cloth.

How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather With Pure Soap

You can clean your Birkenstocks with pure soap. The chemical composition of soap is alkaline, with a pH greater than 7.0. As a result, soap has a cleaning effect on alkaline soils. When soap is applied to fabric, it attaches itself to the soil, forming a hydroxylated (or soapy) base.

The soapy base can then be washed away. It can also be used to clean other acidic soils. Shoe leather and suede can be cleaned with pure soap. Pure soap can be used for a variety of purposes. In your laundry, you can use it to enhance the cleaning efficiency of warm or cold water, especially when washing delicates. Soap is an effective mildew remover for the bathroom. You can also use it to remove stains from fabrics that can be washed in warm water.

Additionally, it can be used in the garden to remove soil and fertilizer residue from plants. Additionally, it can wash down pet areas and deodorize them. Brass, stainless steel, and chrome can also be cleaned with soap. The product can be used for various cleaning tasks around the house, such as washing the car and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. 

How To Clean A Pair Of Birkenstocks Leather

It may seem obvious to clean a pair of Birkenstocks, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it. The first step is to find a leather-specific cleaning product. This will ensure that the integrity of the leather is maintained. A pair of Birkenstocks can be cleaned by taking out the footbed and spraying a small amount of cleaning solution on a soft cloth. The next step is to wipe it down to remove any dirt and grime. Make sure you do this slowly so as not to damage the leather. It is also a good idea to use a sponge to reach the hard-to-reach areas.

How To Clean A Birkenstock Clog

Birkenstock’s clogs have an excellent thick, rigid sole, but they can also collect dirt, grime, and bacteria, causing foot odour and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, you should regularly clean your clogs. If your shoes are made of leather, you don’t need to clean them daily, but you should still remove any dead skin or scabs on the surface. You can do this by rubbing dead skin away with a pumice stone or using a damp cloth and mild soap. You should clean your clogs with lukewarm water and avoid using strong soaps, which will weaken the leather.

How To Clean A Birkenstock Sandal

The best way to clean these is by using plain soap and water. Additionally, you can use saddle soap, but this may cause the leather to fade slightly for some individuals. Soak the sandals in soap, let them sit for a little while, and scrub off the dirt with a brush. You can use a toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannies. Let the sandals dry, then apply leather lotion to help keep them soft and supple.

How to Clean Birkenstocks Leather

FAQ’s How To Clean Birkenstocks Leather

How Do You Clean Birkenstocks Without Ruining Them?

If you want to clean your Birkenstocks without ruining them, here’s some tips. Before you start, you might want to buy a special cleaning kit. You can find a great one in this link . To clean the suede, use a clean toothbrush to rub the suede with a mild detergent with cold water. After you’ve done scrubbing, wipe the excess liquid with a rag. For the cork, you can use a soft cloth to wipe it with a stain remover. Be careful not to soak the cork. Also, try not to scrub too hard because that can make the cork loose.

Can You Use Leather Cleaner On Birkenstocks?

The question is very common among Birkenstock users. You may be surprised to learn that you can actually clean your Birkenstocks with leather cleaner. Birkenstock leather is strong and durable, and can withstand harsh chemicals. It is important, however, to be very careful when using leather cleaner on Birkenstocks. Any product of this type should be checked with the manufacturer to determine whether it is compatible with the Birkenstock. When cleaning, you should always use a soft cloth. Cleaning your Birkenstocks with hard materials can permanently damage them.

How Do You Clean Birkenstock White Leather Straps?

The first thing to understand is that different types of leather require different cleaning methods. It is easy to clean white leather straps for birkenstocks, especially if you buy a lotion or spray containing a moisturizer. For convenience store bought shoes, spray or lotion type may be used on the white leather straps, but be careful! In addition, the chemicals can damage the straps, and it is difficult to restore them to their original colors.

Can Birkenstocks Leather Get Wet?

Birkenstock leathers are not waterproof and should not be submerged in water. However, they can be wet. You should let your leather footbeds dry naturally away from sunlight. You should let your leather footbeds completely dry by themselves if they become wet.


We hope you enjoyed our post on how to clean Birkenstocks leather. We know that most people think the only way to clean these shoes is to use a special cleaner and conditioner. However, we have found that using a bar of soap and a toothbrush is effective in cleaning the shoes without causing damage to the leather. With this information, we hope you can clean your Birkenstocks without damaging the leather and make them new! If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime at

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